Community Social Media Guidelines

Hello! Thank you for your interest in kdc/one. We have set up a Facebook page, a Twitter account, a LinkedIn page and an Instagram account. As part of our commitment to openness, we will regularly share content and information on our platforms that is related to our company, culture, values and business units. These channels are a great way for you to discuss and share updates with us, while keeping you informed about our initiatives and programs, our commitment to ESG, including philanthropy and corporate responsibility.
Our goal is to provide useful and interesting content about our company and to encourage open and respectful dialogue. We believe in engaging, respectful and informative conversations. These guidelines are intended to create a safe environment for our communities on all kdc/one’s social media channels. We reserve the right to removing, reporting content or blocking users for comments, posts or images that violate our guidelines .
1 Identity
We welcome anyone who wishes to engage with us through our social media channels and communities. When doing so, we recommend that you identify yourself, and avoid using fake or anonymous accounts.
2 Stay on topic
Before posting, we encourage you to ensure that your posts are relevant to the topics being discussed. Our channels are not for soliciting/promoting, requesting for donations, selling products and services. Any form of automatically generated, off-topic, inaccurate or misleading spam content will be removed, and we also reserve the right to block users that repeatedly post the same content.
3 Your comments are your own
Your opinions are your own. You are solely responsible and liable for the content and any impact of your opinions, positions and comments expressed on any of our online channels. You do not have the right to comment, speak or post on the behalf of kdc/one.
4 Respect our content
All content posted by kdc/one is protected by intellectual property. This includes logos, trademarks, taglines, video, photos, texts and graphics. We strongly discourage you to reproduce, modify, distribute or use kdc/one’s content without our prior written permission.
5 Respect others’ content rights
Your content should not violate the rights of any third parties' intellectual property, including but not limited to privacy rights, trademarks, and copyright.
6 We may use your content
When posting on our channels, you accept to concede a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free rights and license to your content for any purpose.
7 Use common sense
Any information posted on the Internet is available to the general public. We strongly suggest that you do not post any sensitive or personal information about yourself or others, such as social security number, personal health information, phone number and email addresses. Keep in mind that the information you share may be captured, stored and potentially disclosed or used inappropriately by others.
8 Respect each other
Be respectful of others. Within all types of communication, we do not support any use of disrupting and insulting content. We reserve the right to remove content that is seen, at our discretion, as malicious, obscene, threatening or intimidating, that disparage employees, customers or associates, or that might constitute harassment or bullying. This includes content that is meant to intentionally harm someone’s reputation or posts that are connected to one’s ethnicity, race, social class, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity.
9 Our responses
We are committed to responding to your questions, posts and comments received on our social media accounts in a timely manner during our office hours, Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm (Eastern Timezone). Response times may vary depending on the topic and complexity of the comment and the time period during which the comment was posted.
10 Information only
The content shared on our platforms is for information purposes only. If you would like to speak with a kdc/one group representative for a possible collaboration, about a specific product or to discuss our formulas, please contact